And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkness light for them, and crooked things straight; these things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

If the Lord came today where would you spend eternity?
In Psalms 139 it tells us that the Lord knew us before we were even born
In Jeremiah 29:11 it tells us that He knows the plans He has for us.
But all these plans are dependant on whether we will accept Him to be our Savior.
If you don’t know Him today ask Him into your heart.
No Jesus or know Jesus
No Peace or know Peace
Admit we have sinned~John 1:8
Believe in the Savior~John 3:16
Confess and forsake our sins~1 John 1:9

How Isaiah Ministries Was Birthed
By Carolyn Evans
October 13, 2006
When I came back to the Lord on Christmas day of 1995, I wanted my life to be totally sold out to the Lord. On February of 1996, I started going to the jail to see teenage girls every Wednesday at 3:30.
I was faithful to go, never seeing anything happen, and felt like I was being thrown into the Lions Den at times.
Then in the early summer of 2000, I moved over to the women’s section of the jail.
Then one of the ladies got transferred to the women’s prison, and her mom called me and asked if I could call the chaplain and tell her the lady's dad was about to die. I did, and the Lord prompted me to ask her if we could come down to the prison to minister.
I sent her some material and I ask my friend Sharon to call her to set up an appointment, because I was out of town. She called Chaplain, and she asked her what the name of the team was, and Sharon told her it is written there on the material that I had sent her, which at that time we had no name and no team.
The Chaplain said, “Well, she has Isaiah 42:16 written on everything.”
Sharon told her, “ That’s the name of the team, Isaiah 42:16”.
We started in the women’s prison in 2000 and continued until Covid in 2020. Men’s prison in Grants 2005 and until 2020. We ministered in Penitentiary of New Mexico, Springer Women’s prison, Lea County Correctional, Guadalupe County Correctional Facility, Estancia Federal Holding, Northwest NM Correctional, Daniels Unit in Texas, Tulia Unit in Texas, Dick Ware Unit in Texas. Update 2021 We are still doing bible studies through the mail have had around 2000 inmates do the study. If you want a study sent to a loved one please contact us. We are currently going to Meth Center in Farmington and SJCDC in Farmington. We have a support group for men Convicted By Christ and one for ladies Isaiah Ladies Recovery God's Way both at 6:30 On Thursday at GC Harvest in Farmington.
January of 2018 we started Byron’s House of Hope a men’s transitional house. I had written to Byron for 16 years while he was incarcerated. Byron’s House of Hope is a Transitional Living Program for men who are non-sex offenders who want to live a clean and sober life. The program is state-approved and designed from proven models of strict house rules, directing Returning Citizens (former inmates) to appropriate support services, finding employment, financial management; various life skill course requirements. Byron’s House of Hope was named after Byron Boyd. When Byron got out of prison him and Brian Myers started Convicted by Christ. Byron still struggled being on the outside eventually Byron quit his job, cut off his ankle bracelet and vanished off the grid. In December 2012 the police found him barricaded inside a building. After a long stand-off, Byron Boyd took his own life. At this point Brian was ready to give up and leave prison ministry completely. The recent words of his late friend, however, lingered on. He knew Convicted By Christ was part of God’s plan for his life and for countless men dealing with their own prisons. The death of Byron Boyd only emphasized the need for a safe haven, a judgment-free zone where men can trust one another and share the abundant healing grace of God. Brian Myers embraced the challenge and moved forward reaching men with the love of Christ. At every Thursday night meeting a plaque dedicated to Byron Boyd stands before us as a testament to the purpose and founding of Convicted By Christ.
Website link: https://convictedbychrist.org/
Tearing Down Strongholds
My heart and my mission are to help people be set free from the bondages of sin,
addictions that have held them captive for so long.
To share with them that by the power of God’s Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ
they can be set free and whole again.
I pray for the peace of God to flow over them and through them
so that they can step into the destiny that God has for their lives.
Carolyn Evans
Inspiring Poems
Because A Grandma Prays
Two tiny hearts were beating, struggling in the womb.
The doctors came with their report...messengers of doom.
Though all was stacked against them; one didn't heed the odds,
you see there was a Grandma, who serves a mighty God.
Little Jack and Lucy, their future now in question;
one with hope continued, her prayerful intercession.
The stronghold ofthe enemy ...it surely would be broken,
because there was a Grandma's love, her prayers of faith were spoken.
When all the facts are in; and they can only spell defeat.
Grandma knows God's Word is true...His victory, is sweet,
miracles of life will now prepare to write their story,
a Grandma with a testimony...giving God all the glory.
Now the children smile and you can feel the angels hovering;
blessed are those, whose Grandma prays...this will be their covering.
The twins receive a blessing, because a Grandma cares;
faithful is theOne she serves...the One who answers prayers.
Given to Grandma Carolyn
From her friend Cheryl Winchester