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Leo Lucero






My Heart

by Carolyn Evans

My heart is for those behind prison walls because I know these have nearly been destroyed by the enemy they will rise up to be powerful warriors for the kingdom of God. Because they know the tricks of the evil one they will be able to share with others and they too will be set free.
God is raising up a army behind prison walls that will do some major damage to the kingdom of darkness. But as the light gets lighter the darkness will get darker. Lines are being draw there is no longer a large gray area things are shaking in the spirit realm and as they do it will stir up a lot a chaos as the light is taking over the darkness.
The power of righteousness is going to be what each of us must seek after with all of our hearts. We must desire the things of the kingdom and the things of the flesh have to be turned away because there is no place for them in our lives if we are to call ourselves sons and daughters of the Most High God.
As we take our place in the Kingdom He will move mountains for us, He will open doors for us, He will lead us in paths we have never known before, He will make the crooked way straight and my dear one He will anoint and equip each one of us for battle to speak forth those things that He places in our hearts as we go into our secret place to have the intimate time with Him that He desires.
We are a people of relationship and we can have Godly relationships or those that lead to death and destruction.
As we trust in the Father to take us in heavenly places we have never been before we need to seek after Him with every part of our being and as we do the supernatural will begin to flow through us. Signs and wonders will follow us wherever we go. We will lay hands on the sick and they will recover, people will be delivered from those things that keep them in bondage.
So take your sword and stand tall as the mighty warrior that God has called you to be.

Be blessed,
A mighty woman of God,

Treasures in Prison Cells
Unknown Author

It was late I was tired wanting to go to sleep, but God wanted to talk, it was about midnight, but it dawned on me that God does not sleep.
His question made me restless. "Where on earth does man keep his most priceless treasures?"
I said, “Lord, usually these treasures, like gold and silver are kept under lock and key.”
God spoke, “like man, my most valuable treasures on earth are also locked up.”
I saw Jesus standing in front of seemingly thousands of prisons and jails. The Lord said, “These have almost been destroyed by the enemy, but these souls have the greatest potential to be used, and bring forth glory to My Name. I am going this hour to the prisons to activate the gifts and callings that lie dormant in these lives that were given before the foundation of the earth. Out from these walls will come forth a spiritual army that will have power to literally kick down the gates of Hell and overcome satanic powers that are holding many of my people captive."
Then I saw the Lord step up to the prison doors with a key. One key fit every lock and the gates began to open.
I then heard and saw great explosions, which sounded like dynamite going off behind the walls. It sounded like all our spiritual warfare.
Jesus then began walking in and touching inmates who were thronging to Him. Many being touched instantly began to have a golden glow that came over them.
God spoke, “There’s the gold and silver!”
Like slow motion they began to grow into what appeared to be giant knights in armor like warriors. They had on the entire armor of God.
God said, “Now go and take what satan has taught you and use it against him, and pull down the strongholds coming against my church.”

The spiritual giants then started stepping over the prison walls with no one to resist them, and they went immediately to the very front of the battle against the enemy. I saw them walk right past the church, and big name ministers. They were surpassed by giant warriors like David going after Goliath! They crossed enemy lines and started delivering many of God’s people from the clutches of satan while demons fled in terror.

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