Terrie Smith

I started smoking pot, drinking and using other drugs at the age of 13. I dropped out of high school after my freshman year and got married. After that lasting only a few years, I found myself a single mom with one son named Uriah, born in 1980.
I was a meat wrapper for 12 years, all the while still drinking and using drugs. In 1990 I had another son his name is Tyler. Then I started shooting Meth. I lost my job, trailer, car, and most important my kids, but kept right on shooting Meth.
It wasn't until April of 2002 that I stopped for good. When I walked in the prison doors my life started changing and it hasn't been the same since.
I spent my time in the faith based unit under the care of Chaplain Shirley Payne - Compton. I also got my G.E.D.
I've been out of prison since Jan of 2005. I'm a sophomore in college working on my associated degree in Social work and God willing onto my bachelor's in Substance Abuse Counseling. I'm in a program at school called Edge,and I'm a Certified Peer Educator, (mentor). My job is Data Entry Specialist for the work study program. I have a 3.6 GPA. I also work on Saturdays at Twice Blessed a Christian second hand store.
My mother has been a great support and has stood by me through it all, making it possible for me to go to school. God has also blessed me with three granddaughters Alisa 6, Cadalina 14 months, and Ariahiz 7 weeks.
I met Carolyn Evans before I went to prison and she has been a great mentor, and friend since. God is the answer, He is my rock, He's what it's all about.
Terrie graduated from San Juan College with her Associates Degree May 10. 2008 will continue on in her studies. Update: Graduated with my Bachelors in December 2011 and in February 2014 became a case manager for the Axis program an Alternative Sentencing Division for San Juan County.